There were 40 container ships waiting close to shore and another 56 container ships farther out at sea setting an all time high for the Long Beach and Los Angeles ports according to new data from the Marine Exchange of Southern California. “In addition to the 96 ships waiting offshore on Friday, there were 31 container ships at terminal berths, bringing the grand total to 127, at or near an all-time high.”.
The total number of container ships either at berths or waiting offshore continues to rise: It is up 25% from the beginning of November, 41% from the beginning of October and 79% from the beginning of September.
As a result, the Marine Exchange has created an efficient methodology for counting container ships waiting outside the 40-mile “in port” zone.
This methodology is not to get confused with a solution to all the congestion or backlogs at the ports. It is simply a more structured and safer way to have ships “in line” “based on their calculated time of arrival” rather than a first come first served system “that entered a ship in the queueing list when it came within 20 miles of the ports.”.